Websites I like

Websites I like

Writing & Editing – A free and awesome web utility to help you improve anything you write. Quickly see word count, reading level, passive or complex sentences to fix, and more. – The MailChimp style guide is thorough and actually fun to read. They want you to use and adapt it (available under a Creative Commons license).

Education – Online courses from the world’s best universities and institutions, founded by Harvard and MIT.  Fees vary to take courses to earn a certificate, but most classes can be take for FREE if you enroll in the audit track!

SEO & Web Strategy – Getting data from Alexa requires a a paid subscription, but their free blog is full of great advice for SEO, web and content strategy.

Think with Google – Data and insights from Google that they want us to know. As they say, “Put Google research and insight behind your thinking.” Yes, please. Highly recommended for valuable user-focused insights on consumer preferences and technology trends.